Personal Stuff
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Blah blah blah schick! sschhi-i-ck!
Bismi'llah arRahman arRahim. There is no refuge from Allah but in Him.

The end of another very long day..spending 12 to 15 hrs a day on this thing..perhaps I'm just very slow..perhaps I just love it!
Blog blog here,blog blog there..but really it is Blog Ladder and the chance to communicate (albeit with a small group of ladies) ..with some intelligent and creative and resourceful human beings..same goes for Media Zone.. a forum I joined..Need to look for another really..maybe a little more mature..maybe a bit more masculine influence..maybe a little more leaning towards spirituality..but for now..joder,I've made some friends and it's nice to nurture those friendships.
Next off..the camera and learn something about photos..joined flickr today..looks as though it might be more useful..(or just different) than Picasa..(?)..perhaps more flexible..maybe more 'intelligent'..don't know yet..
Then I'll have no excuse,not to travel as Sheikh gave 'permission' for."What you see,write it down and take photographs." Right then..write then..
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Stay tuned.
Bismi'llah arRahman arRahim. There is no refuge from Allah but in Him.

Well that was all a bit of schlepp ..I'll just have to go back to praying fajr .. the last couple of days have just been a kind of crunchy harmony instrument out of tune..If I really am His instrument..the least I can do is try to stay tuned so He can play me more easily no?
It's all one,but not without work.... can Self Enquiry ever take the place of rakat cycles?..I don't think so..either because I've been programmed that way now..or because .. that is not my way .. or ...maybe because I just haven't had enough practice...?
Only time ..(or my conscience?) will tell..or pain ..or intuitive's so hard to be objective about these things..I suppose,at the end of the day ..the proof of the pudding is in the eating..but what if I don't get the pudding 'til after death? and then it's too late! aaaargh!

Here's a new twist to the tale/tail.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Bismi'llah arRahman arRahim. There is no refuge from Allah but in Him.

I've always been such a loner,living inside my own head.I have always..or perhaps,nearly always, lived with my own confusion and pain.I don't know if I'm coming out of that now..or is it just an illusion created by the internet?
Suddenly I'm trying to belong to forums and stuff like that and it means identifying oneself to others.How does one do that when one is not even sure of one's own identity anyway?
Seems like people identify others through their likes and dislikes..and this,normally,seems to imply books and films and the like..Books in the area of fiction and films in general,have so quickly bored me most of my life,that I don't really know what to say..but I've started to put stuff down..just for the sake of joining in.
Joining in..that's new for me..maybe because it is 'faceless' on the net ..though becoming more and more visible ..
Then there's the technical side..for someone who's never been able to make head or tail of a bus timetable or read an underground map straight ..let alone remember what day of the week it is..I suppose I'm not doing too badly...but ...
well,it does seem to take me ages..endless attempts until the light dawns(am I being objective here?!)..
It's just a couple of things like..well..I can't seem to suss out how to make a new topic work on the forum I belong to for some kids discussing films,books,telly,newspapers etc etc ..and it rather takes the steam out of an amusing little aside if I have to write to the 19 year old administrator to ask how to do it!
Never mind..
Then there was the Technorati thing..I've seen it before..but picked up on it with more interest today through a link to The Traceless Warrior blog..looks interesting..but giving me a bit of a headache knowing if I really want to use it and how..(just tags or join up).
So I decided to get real and leave the old lappie for a while..after all I've been pissing around with this thing for ,what?..12..15 hours a day for yonks now and ..apart from being bad for my health ..back,posture and ruining my eyesight..I'm beginning to get wierd kind of mushy headaches..No good all this!
Yes..I know..I'll go and get Bilquis's medecine..and have a break and then come back to it..
Would you believe it?Two of the four new kittens, which the mother cat just decided to bring out of hiding last night..(I heard them as she brought them out into the wide open spaces of the garden around 2 in the morning) ..ran under the car and hid in the wheels! No way to shift them,not even with was sqash 'em or stay at home..(If it had been an emergency I would have done more..but tossing up wether to frighten the little blighters so early on in their career or get the medecine later..I opted for the latter.)
That's all right..I'll just stay calm ..go back in and print the stuff out for Rashida about EFT. Ay Dios! ..I'm printing the stuff out when.. in the middle of looking at the Technorati information again..the bloody thing sticks at page 17 and Bilquis decides to talk to meabout how interesting the book about transcending the ego is..and especially the bits from Ken Wilber..
Now Bilquis and I have a pretty good relationship..but there are times when I wish we had better conversations..really communicating about some of the things that ,in the end we have in common. I reckon we've had those books for about three years now.. I got them for her so she might be reading something inSpanish around the subjects which interest us..I have been seeing Ken Wilber's stuff on the shelves of the library in the Buddhist centre for yonks..
Now she has to strike up conversation about it?!..
Ay! ..(of course in the background I am wondering..Is Sheikh sending me all this stuff for my silly cockiness in trying to drop my last bit of Islamic practice..praying fajr in the mornings which always helps to protect and make things a bit more harmonious?)
Well..dramas's all sorted..The manual's printed out (not without printing out from page ten onwards,even though I set it to 17 ..) anyway Hemingway..this is life..
The kittens mew outside on the grass, lunch is ready..I'll do Sylvia's later..I'll get more paper and ink this afternoon..and get the medecine too..along with all the other stuff..and..well..I'm sure I'll find my way through Technorati and new topics in the forum in the end..maybe even contact Mushtaq Ali or whatever his name is ..even if I am an over-cerebral wimp according to his style of life..!
Every blogger has his own style..every individual has his own life and triumphs and disasters .. everyone is a child of God..and,as the Prophet said PBUH .. there are as many paths to God as there are breaths of men....
Intention..EFT ... doing stuff..
Bismi'llah arRahman arRahim. There is no refuge from Allah but in Him.

Ay! Whew! ..well! ..Hmm..let's see now..where am I /was I ?
Not exactly lost in cyberspace..but almost.
I suppose,as usual, I should write the EFT bit in that blog and ..what?Sufi bit in that blog ..and ..technorati bit ib Pictures and writings..and and and ... well for's all me and it's all personal stuff and ..well..yep! maybe I'll just hop over to EFT Stuff for this bit..seeya!
Monday, May 02, 2005
You , I ? Thanks anyway.
Bismi'llah arRahman arRahim. There is no refuge from Allah but in Him.

"Thanks very much ! He said,tipping his hat in a jaunty fashion to his great great grandfather and best friend,himself,or God.
Bismi'llah arRahman arRahim. There is no refuge from Allah but in Him.

Well,that was nice..they may be only kids,but they're bright and alive.Talking about a forum that I've joined after someone unexpectedly left a comment on one of my blogs(Talking to myself in Cyberspace.)...
Gives me a little look into some other people's world..quite different from the steamy atmosphere of far-eastern Islam/sufism..which had me all tangled up there for a while.
Sometimes one needs a break from too much ... deep whatevers.

Films,television,trashy newspapers..en fin..a kids forum, but a break anyway.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Love yourself/love Him.
Bismi'llah arRahman arRahim. There is no refuge from Allah but in Him.

There's no hiding from the one but in the one.If you don't love yourself../ ... if I don't love myself,how can I love God,when ultimately they are the same thing?If I don't believe in myself how can I believe in God,on the same principle?
That'll do for that.
It's morning,it's Spring,it's peaceful and quiet.Something..some little thing,is missing..It's all almost in place..but not quite..Let's say I have had,or am having,a touch of non-duality.Only,when I go to read other people's versions of it,they seem so 'soso' as they say in Spanish. A bit wet,perhaps we would say,(literally saltless)..Pathetic might be too strong a word.
I don't think I'm going to get into trying to bite my own teeth this morning,and yet ... in some way .. I must write.Not talk,at least not for now..because it hasn't jelled yet and I have little to say or to teach.What for instance can I say to Ihsan about a real sufi sheikh as compared to any other if I am moving away from mine.
All that holds me back is fear.

Fear ... fear of what? ..annihilation perhaps?..Losing the little 'I'? Aaaaahhhh ....

What's the good of hiding?..What's the good of duality? Bah! Thinking ...

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